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Foulkeways Room Booking

Booking a Room at Foulkeways

First time Users:

You must be a registered user to book a room using the VisualTime software. Registration forms can be found in the mailroom or printed from here.

Registered Users:

PC and MAC Users: For access to all the features of the room scheduling software including repeat reservations use a computer including MACs. Click for Instructions.

PC and MAC users click here  =>    https://www.foulkeways.org/rooms

Tablet and Mobile Users: One time reservations can be made using a tablet or mobile device.  This link does not include all the features of the room scheduling software. Click here for mobile users.

Tablet users click here. =>     https://www.foulkeways.org/roomsshort


Do NOT call IT for help using VisualTime.  Your resident Help team may be contacted by phone or email.

Support Person

Specialty Phone


Penny Purnell PC 7377 ppurnell40@msn.com
Temple Elliot PC 7310 templeelliott386@gmail.com
Lee Miller PC 7119 Abigail.Miller@Jefferson.edu
Rita Porreca-Ward Tablet or mobile 7273 RitaPorreca@gmail.com
Jessica Terrill MAC Users 7121 jdterrill@gmail.com



Reservations must be made two (2) weeks in advance if room setup, IT support or Dining Services is required for the event. Those requesting the Auditorium are required to submit an additional detailed setup sheet to Maggie Wood (x7006) Auditorium Setup Sheet.

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