Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 2 AM.
At 2 AM the clocks turn forward one hour, essentially taking one hour from the morning, to extend the evenings.
Although U.S. states observe distinct time zones in their region, Daylight Saving Time happens at 2 AM for everyone, regardless of what time zone they’re in. This means that in some states, Daylight Saving Time starts earlier than in others.
The mnemonic used to remember how Daylight Saving Time works is “Spring forward, Fall back”. This means that in the Spring the clocks go forward one hour – from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. – and in the Fall, they are set back one hour again – at 2 AM they go back to 1 AM.
Why do we have Daylight Saving Time?
Daylight Saving Time was initially conceived to make better use of daylight and save energy.
Did you know…
Daylight Saving Time starts every year on the second Sunday of March, at 2 AM. Until 2005 Daylight Saving Time was observed from the first Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October. President George W. Bush ordered it to be extended for four weeks, and in 2007 Daylight Saving Time was officially set to run from the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday of November.
Source(s): and
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